7 Effective Strategies To Enhance Customer Service in Logistics

Customer Service Can Improve Your Business Logistics: Here’s How Unfortunately, logistics customer service is not immune from industry challenges. For instance, DispatchTrack’s 2022 report revealed that 90% of shoppers want to track their orders, but one in three weren’t able to do so. While implementing order tracking may seem easy, it still entails significant technology investment and operational adjustments. To start, freight management partners need to be responsive to their customers. We make ourselves accessible to you at all times, so you never have to wait for days on end for a callback. Even if your main point of contact...

T25 workout


If you want an intense workout in a short amount of time, T25 could be your routine of choice. It’s based on longer exercise routines but packs it all into a session that lasts just 25 minutes. It’s ideal for people who say they are too busy to fit a workout into their busy day.  If the T25 workout sounds good to you so far, read on to find out more about what it entails. We’re not endorsing this workout and have not been paid to promote it; this is simply an explanation of what the workout is and what...